Cange’s Corner Articles

Is Trump a modern day 'Loge'??

October 12, 2016 Politics can surely be as entertaining as it is enraging, and 2016 has proven to be an exceptional year for both. But putting basic politics aside; I believe I have stumbled on a great example of 'Life Imitating Art' for the modern era.  When Richard Wagner wrote…

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Countdown Ring

April 1, 2016 With an historic 'Der Ring des Nibelungen' just one month from opening at the prestigious Washington National Opera, I am both tired and excited. Rehearsals have been intense, compressed, and thrilling. Immediately post 'Ring' performances here in our nation's Capital; I will head to Boston with two…

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From Vann to Wagner

February 19, 2016 With the 9th anniversary of the Vann Vocal Institute in Montgomery AL now storied history; I look ahead to the stunning Washington National Opera production of Francesca Zambello's 'American' Ring Cycle.  To move from "Vann to Wagner" in one fell-swoop may be a bit jarring but, with…

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October 12, 2015 Many years ago when I made a dedicated decision to leave the 'night-club/showroom/supper-club' industry, and embark upon a career in opera, I had a goal in mind: Make a debut at the 'Big Four' by the age of 35 (I was 28/29 years old at the time). …

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Tears, Jeers, and Cheers

January 21, 2015 The close of 2014 and start of 2015 found myself and my family in a state of panic as my father suffered a devastating head injury while visiting me in New York City. What was to be a fun visit for my parents to see me perform…

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From Gamble Auditorium to List Hall

November 10 (my birthday), 2014 After graduating from Baldwin-Wallace College (now Baldwin-Wallace University) 30 years ago, I had never stepped foot back onto campus to speak to students, present a masterclass, or even sing an alumni recital.  This all changed recently thanks to an invitation from an old classmate (Nanette…

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All Hands On Deck at 'Vann Vocal Institute'

September 30, 2014 When your body (and your wife) finally tell you to throttle back, you had better listen.  Therefore I write this entry from my bed, bored to tears, but still panicked over what must be done in the next few weeks.  The Vann Vocal Institute in Montgomery, Alabama…

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A Cunning Little Production

May 14, 2014: When I was contacted a year and a half ago about participating in a concert version of Janacek's The Cunning Little Vixen, I told my agent/manager: "Great, no problem; it'll be fun.  Little did I know how much fun it would be...but how much 'work' it would be…

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A Day In My Life

I have been asked on occasion to write a few articles for our trade publication: The AGMAzine.  Below is a copy of the article which has (or will) recently appeared.  This may be a good way to kick off the year 2014...since I have rehearsal later this morning to start…

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The Age of Envy

This article below was excellent. Mr. Reich's appearance last weekend on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" has proven yet again that his 'broken record, same old, one-note, sour tune' still resonates with tin-ear followers. I have spent 35 years in show business in an attempt to bring joy to a…

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