A very nice young man who is studying our craft, and starting his career, was given an assignment at school recently. His charge was to seek out a professional colleague and interview them. His questions were so good, and his intentions so sincere, that I decided to post the interview…
Read MoreCange’s Corner Articles
When all else failed…
Now that Labor Day has passed, and many of us in the artistic community have completed summer festival employment and/or vacations; we turn our sights to the main arts season dated 2013/2014...the time expanse that begins in late August/early September 2013 thru April/May 2014. For most of us, this means…
Read MoreSaluting a True 'Arts Philanthropist'
Yesterday (July 11 2013), I spent a lovely afternoon at the invitation of the local Wagner Society here in Santa Fe as they paid tribute, via slightly belated birthday party, to a long-time Patron of the Arts. Edgar Foster Daniels has been supporting the arts (with opera being his particular…
Read More'The Ring' will 'Cycle' itself anew…
With much media attention, but little celebrated fanfare; the dedicated and hard-working Metropolitan Opera stage crew reportedly disassembled and loaded for transport perhaps the most talked about set in Met history: "The Machine". Its 24 articulating half-diamond shaped planks are to be housed in a warehouse somewhere in upstate New…
Read MoreVann Vocal Institute, 2013
March 7-10, 2013 will most certainly go down as a transformative and transitional year for the Vann Vocal Institute in Montgomery, Alabama. As many now know, my connection to the Capital City goes back some 20 years. Established in 2007 via gift/bequest from the late Roy D. Vann, the Vann…
Read MoreMy First Dollar
Winters in the snow belt of Cleveland, Ohio were brutally cold in the 1970’s. They were endless, withering, and dumped several feet of snow on the ground due to the dreaded “lake-effect” conditions that haunted cities and towns that were perched along the wide, open swath of Lake Erie. At…
Read More…or just a fluke???
On Facebook and Twitter this morning, I posted that second performances are akin to "Low Sunday" in the Catholic Church. That is to say, a letdown compared to all the festivities and poignant lead up to Easter Sunday; or in a way the opening of a new opera production. Now...in…
Read MoreExpectations and Turning Points: a COC timeline
I am quite often asked by friends and relatives who are not in the performing arts about the process of getting a production to stage. After all, they are the ones who only see the "final, shiny, right off the assembly line, fresh from the show-room" product that is sure…
Read MoreCangelosi is ahead of the curve!!!
Before having dinner with a friend last night (August 22, 2012), he handed me a copy of the August issue of Opera News. While he knows that I am not a voracious reader of most industry publications, he said "A lot of your friends are in this issue; just glance…
Read MoreWorld Choir Games (Cincinnati). But where are the attorneys???
As the city of Cincinnati continues its incredible renaissance by reclaiming historic neighborhoods, redeveloping long neglected public lands, and renovating the most spectacular collection of Italianate architecture ever seen in the United States, one was struck this past week by the presence of thousands of visitors, and hundreds of choirs,…
Read MoreThere ARE no recipes!!!!
When I have friends over for a meal, and the dinner plates are readied for consumption, I am often the recipient of looks of disbelief from my guests. "This looks amazing", "My god David, this looks delicious", "Oh my god, I can't wait to start eating"...these are just of few…
Read MoreAnd then there were 5…(generations)
The passage of time is so sneaky, we hardly note the 'tick-tick-tock' of life's clock. Then one day we awake and realize that we have grown old(er) {see: Old in San Diego, from the August 2011 blog archive}. Sometimes it is sad, as when we realized that our childhoods were…
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