
David Cangelosi has firmly established himself as an artist who combines both excellent singing with winning characterizations. He is highly acclaimed by major opera companies and symphony orchestras in the U.S. and abroad, particularly for his portrayal of Mime in Wagner’s Ring Cycle.

Additionally, Mr. Cangelosi serves as the Artistic/Program Director of the Vann Vocal Institute in Montgomery, Alabama, and actively travels the country as a recitalist, symphonic guest-artist, competition adjudicator, and Master Class instructor for aspiring vocalists.


And casting David Cangelosi in the problematic role of Monostatos was inspired. Cangelosi went to town playing up the character’s officious buffoonery, singing strongly all the while.

Washington Post
The Magic Flute, Washington National Opera

"David Cangelosi’s lustrous Tenor tones were conveyed with complete control as the character Mime… he obviously relished the potential of this multi-layered role...a 'tour-de–force' performance."

DC Metro Theater Arts
Opera Review: as Mime

“Mime is David Cangelosi – beyond any doubt whatsoever the best acting I’ve seen anywhere in the world for this very fun – and challenging role.”
Opera Review: Siegfried, San Francisco Opera

"Nobody has ever been more effective or as amusing than David Cangelosi as Mime; he made every minute of this role a total pleasure."

Opera West
Opera Review: as Mime

All of the roles were well taken. Chief among them was the remarkable character tenor David Cangelosi as the Blind Judge. His powerful singing emphasized the Judge’s tenacity...

Opera Canada
Das Wunder der Heliane, Bard Music Festival

“David Cangelosi’s Mime was vocally exactly right…moving…climbing…even doing an (impressive) series of cartwheels. “Cangelosi comes through it all, to his credit, singing well all along.”

San Francisco Examiner
Opera Review: Siegfried, San Francisco Opera

“Tenor David Cangelosi made a real human being out of the secondary character Prunier, and delivered the musically important part with panache. “

T.J. Medrek, Boston Herald
Opera review: La Rondine, Boston Lyric Opera

The supporting cast was first rate. David Cangelosi as the Blind Judge gave a stentorian hint that Justice might be rendered.

Das Wunder der Heliane, Bard Music Festival

"Mime…brilliantly sung and acted by David Cangelosi, possibly the greatest Mime ever."

Opera West
Opera Review: as Mime

"The remarkable David Cangelosi dominates the show to such an extent that the opera should be renamed ‘Mime’."

The Classical Review
Opera Review: as Mime

The henchman (Spoletta)...well sung by David Cangelosi (a splendid character actor).

Washington Classical Review
‘Tosca’, Washington National Opera (May 11, 2019)

Similarly, I always enjoy veteran performer American tenor David Cangelosi. In this production, he was Monostatos. Cangelosi has been around international opera long enough to telegraph “I got this” to the audience. My guess is that kind of cool has a calming effect backstage, similar to that of a veteran ballplayer sitting on the bench with the jumpy rookies. DC Metro Theater Arts

DC Metro Theater Arts
The Magic Flute, Washington National Opera

“Pagliacci’s best singing of the night came from Beppe…in a sweetly sung serenade, courtesy of tenor David Cangelosi. “

William V. Madison, Opera News
Opera review: Pagliacci, Lyric Opera of Chicago

Cange's Corner

From Gamble Auditorium to List Hall

November 10, 2014

November 10 (my birthday), 2014 After graduating from Baldwin-Wallace College (now Baldwin-Wallace University) 30 years ago, I had never stepped foot back onto campus to speak to students, present a masterclass, or even sing an alumni recital.  This all changed recently thanks to an invitation from an old classmate (Nanette Canfield) who has run the […]

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All Hands On Deck at 'Vann Vocal Institute'

September 30, 2014

September 30, 2014 When your body (and your wife) finally tell you to throttle back, you had better listen.  Therefore I write this entry from my bed, bored to tears, but still panicked over what must be done in the next few weeks.  The Vann Vocal Institute in Montgomery, Alabama is an intense week for […]

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Build It, and They Will Sing!

July 26, 2014

July 26, 2014 As I sit in Denver International Airport awaiting my flight to Tokyo and my next work assignment; I am reflecting upon the past four weeks of intense work at Land of Enchantment Opera Institute (LOEOI). There are more summer vocal study programs out there than you can shake a stick at these […]

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A Cunning Little Production

May 14, 2014

May 14, 2014: When I was contacted a year and a half ago about participating in a concert version of Janacek’s The Cunning Little Vixen, I told my agent/manager: “Great, no problem; it’ll be fun.  Little did I know how much fun it would be…but how much ‘work’ it would be too!!  Below is the link […]

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A Day In My Life

January 5, 2014

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The Age of Envy

December 17, 2013

This article below was excellent. Mr. Reich’s appearance last weekend on “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” has proven yet again that his ‘broken record, same old, one-note, sour tune’ still resonates with tin-ear followers. I have spent 35 years in show business in an attempt to bring joy to a world with my meager talents, […]

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An Interview with David Cangelosi

December 3, 2013

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When all else failed…

September 3, 2013

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