Cange’s Corner

From the Santa Fe frying pan, into the New York fire!

Seemingly as quickly as it began, the Santa Fe Opera 2010 summer season has ended.  On August 28,  the final performance of the somewhat controversial Tales of Hoffmann was rendered; an overwhelming standing ovation followed; a very nice end-of-season party was enjoyed by all (courtesy of the management); and the…

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Young Love….

With only two weeks left before we settle the 2010 Santa Fe Opera season, there are still a few surprises for audiences, and we veterans alike, to experience--namely the two Apprentice Scene Programs, the first of which was last night (Sunday, August 15), the next of which will be next…

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Welcome to the NEW David!!!!

After numerous requests, and after 10 years of the same boring ol' website; it was time for the technically reserved David Cangelosi to get into the 21st century.  I have to admit that the time had most definitely come!!  So after meeting with my point person at Sanctuary Media Group…

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Albert Herring, Santa Fe Opera Review, July 31 2010

The Santa Fe Opera maintained two traditions that are now synonymous with its 2010 summer season last night: The first was getting an opening night performance (of yet another new production) successfully on stage; the other was doing so amid foul weather.  As penetrating threads of lightening splintered the cryptic…

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No good deed…..

With the 'sting' of the recent home invasion still smarting and annoying me, one has to believe that at one point things will balance themselves out with the universe....right??  Wrong!!!  Please read the text of an email I sent to the head of the housing department here at the Santa…

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Das Lied von der Erde, July 25th, Santa Fe

After attending Mahler's Das Lied von der Erde, part of the Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival's summer season, I felt compelled to write about moving was the entire event. I hesitated momentarily because I felt that perhaps I couldn't be completely objective as I am currently working with Paul…

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Life is a Dream, Santa Fe Opera 2010

Opening night of Lewis Spratlan's Pulitzer Prize winning opera, Life is a Dream, was somewhat of a subdued affair. Unseasonably cold and wet weather loomed, as did a sense of trepidation, in my opinion, as to how the opera would be received. In a world where Nobel Prize Awards, Academy…

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Tales of Hoffmann, 2010 Santa Fe

The first run through of Hoffmann onstage today (July 10) was a bag of mixed emotions.  Less than 24 hours earlier I returned to the home in Santa Fe to which I was assigned, to find it had been broken into and robbed rather thoroughly.  Paul Groves wondered why I…

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Cange’s Corner Photos